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ultimate spider man

Ultimate Spider-Man based on the Marvel Comics' Ultimate Spider-Man was released on September 22, 2005 for GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, PC, Mobile Phones, and Game Boy Advance. In this game, players get to play both hero Spider-Man and fan-favorite villain Venom in their own storylines. The game also introduces the new Comic Inking Animation technology, cel shading that makes the entire game appear as if it were a living comic-book. The writing and art design for Ultimate Spider-Man were done by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley, respectively, who both have worked on the comic book series of the same name since it was launched. The game's plot line also supposedly fits into the USM chronology, with issues 86 - 88 being advertised dealing with the aftermath of the events of the game. However, the issues did not deal with the game, and in fact had several continuity errors with the game (E.g. Silver Sable not knowing who Spider-Man is) and until Venom shows up again, it is open to interpretation where the game takes place.


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